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Category Name: PSPF

Critical Infrastructure Clearance

The relentless compromising of the private sector, which remains a soft but strategic target, has diluted the conventional boundaries of conflict, forcing the government to enhance its posture. Australia is not immune and there is clear recognition that we need to do more to protect our nation against attacks on our critical infrastructure. The Parliamentary […]

How the Mining Industry’s Spy and Sex Pest Register Can Work

Australia’s multibillion-dollar mining industry has been accused of failing to protect women from predatory sexual behaviour. Sexual allegations and misconduct on mining worksites are a blight on the reputation of the whole industry. A parliamentary inquiry was shocked and appalled at the scale of the problem, saying victims had faced targeted violence, stalking, grooming and [...]

Risk Management Program Rules – Home Affairs – Critical Infrastructure

How to implement and navigate the Critical Infrastructure Personnel Security Rules. The mandatory Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Plan (CIRMP) for critical infrastructure assets will increase security obligations for Critical Infrastructure Entities & “systems of national significance”. CIRMP obligations will require entities to (a) identify hazards for which there is a “material risk” that the hazard […]

Empowering Education: Leveraging UFIT Protocols for Critical Infrastructure Rule 2 Compliance and DISP Pre-employment Screening

Empowering Education: Leveraging UFIT Protocols for Critical Infrastructure Rule 2 Compliance and DISP Pre-employment Screening In today’s internationally interconnected world, protecting our critical infrastructure is more important than ever. Universities, as centers of learning and innovation, play a crucial role in this landscape. They must adhere to stringent regulations to protect sensitive information and assets. […]

Ensure a Trusted Workforce with Cleard Life’s Annual Check-In Service for DISP Members

Ensure an ongoing Trusted Workforce with Cleard Life’s Annual Check-In Service for DISP Members DISP Members managing sensitive information need to maintain a workforce that exemplifies trust, integrity, and reliability. For DISP Members with staff who don’t need to hold security clearances, Cleard Life’s Annual Check-In service provides a fast and effective solution that ensures [...]

Former CSO at the World’s Largest Aerospace Company Talks How to Tackle Insider Risk

“The whole reason behind having an insider threat program was to change the culture … and at least once a quarter, we would always inject one of our insider threat stories.” The interview with Dave Komendat, former CSO at Boeing, discusses the importance of insider threat programs in changing company culture and ensuring security. He […]

Unlocking Opportunities in Defence Contracts like Defence Base Services Transformation – BST

Facilitating prime and subprime contractor participation in defence projects through expert clearance sponsorship and management. In the rapidly evolving defence sector, securing appropriate security clearances is paramount for both prime contractors and their subcontractors. Cleard Life, a prominent Australian firm specialising in security vetting, provides essential services through its Cleard Plus program to support the […]

Managing Personnel Hazards: The Unseen Risk in Critical Infrastructure Supply Chains

Introduction As the global focus sharpens on the security of critical infrastructure, one aspect often remains underrepresented: the potential risks arising from personnel within the supply chain. Members of the Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) have highlighted these concerns, especially when interfacing with the Critical Infrastructure Security Centre (CISC). This article dissects the personnel-related hazards […]

Show me Evidence of your Insider Threat Program (ITP).

Show me Evidence of your Insider Threat Program (ITP). That is a question an aspiring Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) company will be asked. Then a Big 4 consulting firm will more than likely audit this element on your first or second anniversary. Do you know that your Insider Threat Program will need to have […]

Fortifying Commonwealth Systems through Compliance with AS 4811- 2022 and PSPF 12, and Embracing Proven Screening Strategies

1. Introduction With insider threats posing a significant challenge in the Health industry, it is imperative to establish rigorous user screening processes that align with Australian Standard 4811-2022 and Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) 12, ensuring the security and integrity of commonwealth systems – such as the My Health Record system. This article highlights the […]

AGSVA Baseline vs PSPF Goldilocks Clearance – the requirements compared. Plus Five Recruitment Trends to Watch.

FIVE Recruitment Trends to Watch: 1. Australian Standards for employment screening (AS 4811-2006) was updated, after 15 years, to include adjudication. 2. Critical Infrastructure expanded & positive security obligations (personnel vetting) tightened – covering 1.6+m employees. 3. The expanded Critical Infrastructure sector – Defence Industry – must sponsor & manage their own AGSVA security clearances. […]

Why Should Businesses Use A Managed Personnel Security Services Provider? MPSSP vs MSSP

You can utilise an MPSSP, like Cleard Plus, to ensure safety and compliance, while enabling your security cleared workforce to focus on more valued projects. You may have heard of a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) with a dedicated Security Operations Centre – SOC. Enter Australia’s first dedicated Managed Personnel Security Service Provider, MPSSP. Think […]

Preventing Insider Threats: The Power of Reporting and Early Detection

Learn how improved reporting by peers, family, and social contacts can help prevent insider attacks and protect your organization’s IT systems and data. Insider threats can pose a significant risk to an organization’s IT systems and data. These threats can come from current or former employees, contractors, or business partners who have authorized access to […]

Personnel security is fundamental to good business.

Personnel security is fundamental to good business. Most personnel strive to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner. However, it would be negligent to ignore the risk of someone deliberately causing harm or exploiting their positions of trust. The ‘trusted insider’ represents a real and enduring risk to everyday business practices. It is an [...]

About us

Mission: To Strengthen Australia’s Integrity for Society’s Betterment Vision: To bring about an unbroken state of affairs, where integrity empowers the performance and prosperity of government, businesses and not-for-profits. Strategy: To strengthen Australia’s national integrity system through faster, cheaper, smarter, better personnel vetting practices which enables the right person to move into the right position […]

At a Glance: What We Do

​Our Background Suitability Interview Questions relate to: Background & Family structure Education & Employment Personal Relationships Allegiance & Loyalty Substance Use Illegal conduct Emotional health Financial Personal conduct ​CV Check Which then is filtered through the lens of Attorney General’s Suitability Standards: Guideline A: External loyalties, influences and associations Guideline B: Personal relationships and conduct […]

Now you know.

So what do you guys do, again? Can we ask you a question first? Did you know that employers can experience massive pain when hiring the wrong person? The cost is huge and the pre-employment & rehiring market is a multi-million dollar industry. In some industries, rehiring market it up to 40%. These are costs […]

Vetting the way: The secret sauce.

Vetting the way: The secret sauce. When evaluating a candidate’s suitability, Cleard life considers the information through the lens of the Home Affairs Adjudicative Guidelines (AG). In addition to brief introductory explanations for each guideline, the lists potentially disqualifying conditions and mitigating conditions, which are very useful in evaluating a candidate’s suitability. These guidelines […]

Critical Infrastructure entities must now hunt for spies.

Critical Infrastructure entities must now hunt for spies. Preemployment screening does not hunt for spies. The PSPF does. We do.   Meet Bruce. He works for your critical infrastructure company. He is like many workers in Australia: born in another country, studied at a great university there but then moved here to make a life […]

DISP Member: Are Your Personnel Security (PERSEC) Measures (AS 4811) Suitable?

Are Your Personnel Security (PERSEC) Measures AS4811 Suitable? 20% to 30% of job applications contain some form of false information according to a recent report of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Nothing in the report suggests ICAC’s statistics relate solely to NSW or to the public service. Very likely similar issues will be […]

How the Cleard Life ‘truth telling’ environment is set up.

A Suitability Assessment Interview (SAI) can take as little as 40 minutes over the phone for the most Basic level assessment (CL0) and perhaps up to four hours for the human-only, highest-level, face-to-face interview (CL3). Our Vetting Officers tell candidates that they will be looking for evidence of qualities such as loyalty, honesty and reliability, […]

A Guide to Australian Standards for Employment Screening

A Guide to Australian Standards for Workforce Screening Employment screening processes are beyond the standard interview process done by HR, recruitment companies or the hiring manager. Employment screening requires extensive resources and systems designed to uncover information that the employer requires to make an informed decision about the eligibility and suitability of a candidate – […]

Personnel Security (PERSEC) still remains a challenge for DISP Members

Personnel Security (PERSEC) still remains a challenge for DISP Members. The Defence Industry Security Program normally requires a security clearance at some level to work on defence projects and get access to sensitive information – but not at Entry Level. Recent changes to DISP means that your personnel security measures must include an initial suitability assessment, […]

Adjudicative Guidelines – Secret Knowledge Revealed

The Home Affairs Adjudicative Guidelines are an important element to any suitability assessment. Here are the elements and concrete examples of each factor area and the frequency of detection. ​ 1/7 Factor area: External loyalties, influences and associations. A security risk may exist when the clearance subject or their immediate family, including cohabitants, and other [...]

Critical Infrastructure: Public Submissions React to Trusted Insider Risk Mitigation Options.

                  Trusted insiders are potential, current or former employees or contractors who have legitimate access to information, techniques, technology, assets or premises. Trusted insiders can intentionally or unknowingly assist external parties in conducting activities against the organisation or can commit malicious acts of self-interest. Such action by […]

“The scheme should screen”. Why a Cyber Security Accreditation or Certification scheme needs to include personnel suitability assessments.

The Australian Government is developing our nation’s next Cyber Security Strategy as part of its commitment to protecting Australians from cyber threats. The new strategy will be a successor to Australia’s landmark 2016 Cyber Security Strategy, which set out the Government’s 4 year plan to advance and protect our interests online backed by a $230 […]

Preemployment ‘Best Practice Guide’ for Social Media Screening.

Preemployment ‘Best Practice Guide’ for Social Media Screening. A digital footprint is the unique pattern of electronic transactions made by an individual’s publicly accessible online presence. An assessment of an individual’s digital footprint can provide insight into their life, interactions and personal views. This information may identify behaviours of concern or provide further assurance that […]

Is Ignoring a Candidate’s Digital Footprint Negligent Hiring?

Is ignoring a candidate’s digital footprint negligent hiring? Social media screening in the hiring process is now commonplace. We understand its usefulness in protecting employer brand and business reputation. But we’re also aware of its hidden dangers, potential biases, and legal traps. World governments have differing stances on the practice. Some search the internet to […]

PRUDENT EMPLOYERS conduct background checks, are yours legally compliant?

PRUDENT EMPLOYERS can conduct checks of a candidate’s police/criminal background, drug use, alcohol habits, mental health, litigious conduct (eg. against employers), credit history and other checks and tests prior to making a job offer. However, it is important to ensure that the screening company and their processes comply with the Australian Privacy Principles, anti-discrimination legislation […]

To get a job you need a clearance. To get a clearance your need a job.

COMMENT FROM THE CATCH 22 ARTICLE: “The ENTIRE contracting community would LOVE a “direct to candidate” shop-front from AGSVA, and an elimination of the need to be already placed in a role that requires a security clearance a given level. We’d all be positively vetted. Make security vetting a personal obligation like a white card, […]

Which Suitability Clearance level is right for your personnel?

Which Suitability Clearance level is right for your personnel? How do you select the right one? Does everyone in your organisation need the same level? Answer: Great questions. Using a ‘Scope and Effect’ grading methodology, you can self-assess and guide your organisation in classifying the appropriate level to match your personnel risk management. EXTREMELY LOW […]

Sussing Out a Candidate: What is Your Definition of an Employee Background Check?

We saw an article recently about some handy tips before securing a Candidate: “Once you have advertised the position, narrowed down the field and finally identified the perfect candidate, before you make them an offer, here is a check-list of four useful tips to help you through the last important pre-employment screening phase.” 1. Check […]

How we can work with IRAP Assessors.

When it comes to personnel and IT, it’s a high-risk environment right now.   9 in 10 data breaches involve trusted insiders – mainly to due to negligence 1 in 5 data breaches are caused by malicious employees 1 in 5 lie on their job resumes 1 in 5 had misrepresented their qualifications 3 in […]

Significant changes in Public Sector Hiring are afoot: Are you ready?

Beyond Merit: Ensuring Suitability in Public Sector Recruitment:  How PSPF’s New Screening Requirements are Transforming Hiring Practices If you recruit for the public sector, recent changes mean your hiring process has fundamentally shifted. No longer can you simply recommend the best candidate for a job based solely on merit. Now, you must also assess the […]

How to get a Suitability Clearance … for Free.

How to get a Suitability Clearance … for Free. If you are involved in the procurement process for your organisation, you may like to see how our Suitability Clearance can be incorporated into your tender process … at no cost to you. Often, tenderers or contractors to government are only required to have their key […]

What do you mean suitable?

What do you mean suitable? We mean suitable as defined by the Attorney General’s  Protective Security Policy Framework PSPF12 and PSPF13 and the related Adjudicate Guidelines & associated vetting protocols which includes the whole-of-person concept. Put simply, we look at minimum integrity requirements such as criminal/illegal activity involvement, workplace conduct and any criminal associations. Let’s […]

Job Interview Questions That You Can’t ask … But We Can.

Job Interview Questions That You Can’t ask … But We Can. It’s good to know the difference between Recruiters and the Advanced Background Investigation Agency. What you, as a job interviewer, cannot ask: HR Interviewer: What is your marital status? We can ask, in order to assess Trustworthiness and Loyalty. HR Interviewer: Have you […]

Digital Innovation: Australia’s $315b opportunity.

​Digital Innovation: Australia’s $315b opportunity. The new report from Alpha Beta for CSIRO/Data61, called “Digital Innovation: Australia’s $315b opportunity” identifies eight strategic areas where Australian businesses can succeed in creating new digital products or services. These opportunities are precision healthcare, digital agriculture, data-driven urban management, cyber-physical security, supply chain integrity, proactive government, legal informatics and […]

How #regtech + suitability clearance = PERSEC compliance.

How #regtech + suitability clearance = PERSEC1 compliance. We are a team suitability experts, engineers and data scientists passionate about building better solutions to stop trusted insiders and counter-productive workplace behaviours from disrupting your workplace, operations and reputation. In this instance, we focus our attention on the #regtech trend and how our solution can apply […]

1 in 4 potential employees admit to behaviours that most employers consider high-risk. HR Managers and Risk Managers need to get onto the same page.

1 in 4 potential employees admit to behaviours that most employers consider high-risk. HR Managers and Risk Managers need to get onto the same page. Independent university studies have demonstrated the value of integrity tests that screen for hostility, drug and alcohol abuse, theft and lying in the pre-employment phase. But these tests have yet […]

What to consider when selecting a pre-employment screening vendor

    ​What to consider when selecting a pre-employment screening vendor. Choosing a background screening provider is an important decision that affects your entire organisation, from human resources and security to everyday employee relationships. It is great to have an expert on your side, helping inform important hiring decisions – decisions which affect your organisation’s […]

Extreme Referencing: It’s a tough pitfall to avoid…

You invest great effort to get your people to interview several Candidates. You laboriously negotiate with your team to pick your favourite — only to then ask the Candidate for a few references to call. After all this time and effort (which you feel is some type of distraction), you call those references with a […]

Criminal History and Background checks should be done for all short-listed applicants.

When to ask for a criminal record check ​For most jobs, a criminal record check should be requested only from short-listed applicants or from those invited to interview. This minimises: unnecessary and time-consuming administration involved with processing many consent to disclosure forms the expense, as police services charge for the police checking service the risk […]