AGSVA Security Clearances – the Clear Difference. In today’s competitive landscape, many service providers offer generic background screening solutions without a true understanding of—or commitment to—the rigorous requirements of AS4811. At Cleard Life, we set ourselves apart by prioritising the critical standards that truly matter. While competitors may overlook or disregard AS4811, our approach is […]
Empowering Education: Leveraging UFIT Protocols for Critical Infrastructure Rule 2 Compliance and DISP Pre-employment Screening In today’s internationally interconnected world, protecting our critical infrastructure is more important than ever. Universities, as centers of learning and innovation, play a crucial role in this landscape. They must adhere to stringent regulations to protect sensitive information and assets. […]
“The whole reason behind having an insider threat program was to change the culture … and at least once a quarter, we would always inject one of our insider threat stories.” The interview with Dave Komendat, former CSO at Boeing, discusses the importance of insider threat programs in changing company culture and ensuring security. He […]
Facilitating prime and subprime contractor participation in defence projects through expert clearance sponsorship and management. In the rapidly evolving defence sector, securing appropriate security clearances is paramount for both prime contractors and their subcontractors. Cleard Life, a prominent Australian firm specialising in security vetting, provides essential services through its Cleard Plus program to support the […]
Introduction As the global focus sharpens on the security of critical infrastructure, one aspect often remains underrepresented: the potential risks arising from personnel within the supply chain. Members of the Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) have highlighted these concerns, especially when interfacing with the Critical Infrastructure Security Centre (CISC). This article dissects the personnel-related hazards […]
DISP Members and Departments now require an Employee Suitability Check before Requesting a National Security Clearance. The workforce behind the defence force needs to be a trusted workforce. If you are a Security Officer for a Defence Industry Member or a Security Officer in a Department that requires AGSVA security clearances, then you should be […]
Show me Evidence of your Insider Threat Program (ITP). That is a question an aspiring Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) company will be asked. Then a Big 4 consulting firm will more than likely audit this element on your first or second anniversary. Do you know that your Insider Threat Program will need to have […]
FIVE Recruitment Trends to Watch: 1. Australian Standards for employment screening (AS 4811-2006) was updated, after 15 years, to include adjudication. 2. Critical Infrastructure expanded & positive security obligations (personnel vetting) tightened – covering 1.6+m employees. 3. The expanded Critical Infrastructure sector – Defence Industry – must sponsor & manage their own AGSVA security clearances. […]
You can utilise an MPSSP, like Cleard Plus, to ensure safety and compliance, while enabling your security cleared workforce to focus on more valued projects. You may have heard of a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) with a dedicated Security Operations Centre – SOC. Enter Australia’s first dedicated Managed Personnel Security Service Provider, MPSSP. Think […]
Our Background Suitability Interview Questions relate to: Background & Family structure Education & Employment Personal Relationships Allegiance & Loyalty Substance Use Illegal conduct Emotional health Financial Personal conduct CV Check Which then is filtered through the lens of Attorney General’s Suitability Standards: Guideline A: External loyalties, influences and associations Guideline B: Personal relationships and conduct […]
Critical Infrastructure entities must now hunt for spies. Preemployment screening does not hunt for spies. The PSPF does. We do. Meet Bruce. He works for your critical infrastructure company. He is like many workers in Australia: born in another country, studied at a great university there but then moved here to make a life […]
Are Your Personnel Security (PERSEC) Measures AS4811 Suitable? 20% to 30% of job applications contain some form of false information according to a recent report of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). Nothing in the report suggests ICAC’s statistics relate solely to NSW or to the public service. Very likely similar issues will be […]
Security Awareness briefings for every candidate. It is important for employers to know and understand that candidate’s background is not filled with unmitigated risk. However, new employees to the organisation might not fully understand or comprehend the employer’s security posture and culture. That’s where a security & cyber awareness mini course comes in. After the […]
Personnel Security (PERSEC) still remains a challenge for DISP Members. The Defence Industry Security Program normally requires a security clearance at some level to work on defence projects and get access to sensitive information – but not at Entry Level. Recent changes to DISP means that your personnel security measures must include an initial suitability assessment, […]
COMMENT FROM THE CATCH 22 ARTICLE: “The ENTIRE contracting community would LOVE a “direct to candidate” shop-front from AGSVA, and an elimination of the need to be already placed in a role that requires a security clearance a given level. We’d all be positively vetted. Make security vetting a personal obligation like a white card, […]
When it comes to personnel and IT, it’s a high-risk environment right now. 9 in 10 data breaches involve trusted insiders – mainly to due to negligence 1 in 5 data breaches are caused by malicious employees 1 in 5 lie on their job resumes 1 in 5 had misrepresented their qualifications 3 in […]
In an Ohio-based Employers Resource Association* survey… 91 percent are using background checks. That seems high. But what s.p.e.c.i.f.i.c.a.l.l.y. does that mean? A Google search? Police check? Facebook search? LinkedIn page view? A 2 minute call to the a previous boss? But more importantly, what do you do when you receive an adverse result? To […]
Marc Weaver Databasable is an IT consultancy firm that provides database administration support and specializes in moving your databases and applications into the cloud. Founded by Marc Weaver in 2015, databasable uses his vast employment experience from large financial institutions in London, Sydney, and New York. “Obviously a data security breach from an outsider will result […]
When Academic Admission Discretion Meets National Security. If you are part of a school that delivers highly specialised courses, which maybe technically UNCLASSIFIED, then know it maybe true that sensitive topics that involve Defence-related topics are crucial and central to the course outcomes and objectives. For example, the Certificate IV in Government (Personnel Security) […]
As a leader in national security clearances, we also have a B2B background screening solution that is an Australian standard (4811:2022) can be incorporated into large scale projects and bid proposals. For example, if a Defence Prime requires key management (and staff generally) to hold an AGSVA security clearances (sometimes called an Australian Habilitation) but […]
The Skilling Australia’s Defence Industry Grants Program will provide you up to $500,000 over three years to help develop and enhance your defence sector skills and human resources practices and training plans. This is aimed at reducing the personnel security barriers you face and can help you establish enhanced human resources practices and training […]