How vetting can augment and supplement the way your organisation reaches membership admission determinations.
Membership has its privileges. And members have responsibilities – like ensuring they do not throw the entire organisation (and sometimes the industry) into disrepute. So logically, whoever allows members into the organisation have an even greater responsibility to ensure that the members are suitable. Vetting gives your Applications Approval Team insight and concrete reasons behind their decisions so they can confidently say “NO” to certain people.
Recent headline news has stated that the Financial Planning industry has had at least 1 in 66 “Bad Apples” in their midst. Untold costs surround not only the clients who were ripped off, but on the entire industry as people used alternate measures.
1 in 4 card carrying members of airport workers have been found guilty of serious crimes and have access to some of the most vulnerable and expensive infrastructure in Australia. This has put the safety of the entire industry in jeopardy and reputations are requiring remediation.
Australia wide, 1 in 15 have serious mental illness that may cloud their reliability, judgement, trustworthiness and honesty.
Because of some bad apple members working inside profit & non-profit organisations, Australia has felt the need for Royal Commissions.
Three Royal Commission Recommendations have stated they need to enhance their screening processes. Society is demanding integrity for those in positions of trust.
These risks are real and the risks manifest themselves in many different ways, depending on the person and position and privileges they have access to.
Your decision teams need the right information at the right time.
Simply put, we provides you a very clear result:

When we say that our vetting services augment (enhance) and/or supplement (improve) the way you reach membership admission (or renewal) determinations, it means that your decision makers will have more information about a prospective member and their background than ever before. It does not mean they know the details about the background, only that we have done a thorough job and provided you with a solid, trustworthy recommendation. We only use highly experienced, qualified vetting officers who’s job it is to make recommendations on national security clearances on a daily basis.
Augment/Enhance. This means that you already have some level of application approval process in place, but your organisation wants to enhance it with a human-centric, one-on-one interview, background check.
Supplement/Improve. This may mean you have some level of background checks (eg. Police check etc) in place but your organisation has identified certain deficiencies or elevated risks and believe that more comprehensive background screening process is now warranted.
Conclusion: If you are now at a place where you would like to discuss augmenting or supplementing, talk to us today. We have a screening level service that will meet your needs.